Scandal Fanfiction Continuation of Now and Then

Padfoot the Marauder

23 October 2007 @ 08:01 pm

Quote: At a press conference this morning in Toronto, author J.K. Rowling was asked repeatedly about the recent revelations regarding the background information on Dumbledore and the fact that she said she felt this character was gay.

I am so loving JK Rowling right now! There were certain things (especially in HBP) Dumbledore said to Harry I thought was amusing in a '*snort*-this-could-easily-be-interpreted-in-a-very-different-way'-sort of manner, but I never thought JK Rowling would seriously 'out him'. I think this is a huge deal and not only in terms of the books. Though unintentional, this might be the most influential pro-gay-acceptance initiatives ever.

Someone should send JK Rowling flowers. Seriously.

Padfoot the Marauder

02 September 2007 @ 11:18 am

There have been some budget problems at work, with the result that someone had to be let go. 'Someone' being me. So starting october, I'm officially unemployed. Inconveniently, I'm leaving on vacation early september, and don't get back until the end of the month.

I dropped my glasses and one of the lenses popped out. I have been able to push it back in, but I'm still going to need new ones. Gah.

I decided to shower at work this morning, so I could sleep in (getting up early on a sunday should be illegal). Stupidly, I brought two bottles of shampoo instead of shampoo and conditioner. *pouts* I don't care what people say, without conditioner it's just not the same!

I'm busy getting all my stuff in order for my vacation, because I'm leaving for Peru on Thursday. I'm looking forward to it, but I absolutely loathe packing.

I'd started writing a new Draco/Hermione fic, but abandoned it because it wasn't really going anywhere. Though, I've come up with a new idea, which I believe is quite daring. :-) I'll try my hand at it when I get back.

Went to see 'Zatôichi' last night. I'd seen it before, but not on the big screen. It's a good film, though I can see why I didn't remember much of it after watching it the first time; there are a lot of secondary characters and there's just so much going on. Nevertheless, I truly enjoyed it. The fight-scènes are realistically done (short and brutal). The funny bits were executed with a contagious flair of naivety that blends well with the tone of the rest of the film. I especially love parts where the farmers and construction workers create 'music' through the work they perform. And the dance sequence at the end is nothing short of awesome.

My only complaint is that Tadanobu Asano (who plays Hattori Genosuke, the rônin) needs more screen time, because he's just so dreamy! ;-) He's ruggedly handsome and effortlessly cool; completely crush-worthy. I first noticed him in 'Gohatto' and he became reason number 1032 for why I think that movie is fantastic. That man truly is a cross between Johnny Depp and Toshirô Mifune (and what an interesting blend that is!). *sighs dreamily*

Padfoot the Marauder

14 August 2007 @ 11:48 pm

I sort of lost track of 'Rurouni Kenshin' after they stopped airing it here in Belgium 4-5 years ago, but I rediscovered the series last year. I own the first two seasons on DVD in the original Japanese version, but out of curiosity I've also seen several of the English-dubbed episodes on Youtube. Yesterday I was cleaning out one of my cupboards and found a couple of old VHS tapes. I put them in the tape recorder and discovered a bunch of programmes I taped around the year 2002, amongst them a few episodes of 'Rurouni Kenshin' in the English dub (the first four episodes of the Kyoto-arc). The strange thing is that the version I found on the tapes, although in English, is a different one and I'd like to know why it exists.

Here are several things that struck me about it:

1) Several of the characters' names have been changed; Kenshin is known as 'Kenshee', Kaoru as 'Cori' and Yahiko as 'Yoshi'. When first bought the DVD's last year I did remember thinking the character names used to be different, but later on I figured I must have remembered this incorrectly. Now, strangely, it seems I was right all along.
2) Kenshin is, apparently, going to Edo (???) instead of Kyoto.
3) Saito sneezes and, instead of giving a harmless comment, the waitress calls him a pig. (?!)
4) During the famous firefly-farewell-scene, the last thing Kenshin says to Kaoru before leaving for … Edo, apparently, is: 'Thank you Cori, thank you for everything you've given me. I just have to go to Edo, but that doesn't mean I don't love you. Goodbye Cori.'(!?!?!?) Whatever happened to just saying 'Sayonara'? And then they cut out the kanji-epilogue at the end, immediately skipping to the end credits right after Kenshin walks away (completely ruining the dramatic effect, in my opinion).
5) Most of the voice cast seems the same; however both Seta Sôjiro and Okita Sôji are clearly dubbed by a different person with a much deeper voice. Kaoru's voice is also different, and strangely, I prefer her this way. I can't tell if Sano's different, but if he's not, he did a better job in this version. As for the others; their performance is much better in the other version.
6) Also, the lines have been translated quite differently. Several times they took quite a leap from the original text, making characters say things that make them seem a bit out of sorts. For instance, the way they're phrasing it, Kenshin suddenly seems adamant in letting his inner Battousai loose to fight Shishio, giving it a fighting chance and to see which life works best for him.
7) The translators clearly disliked silences, because they've also given a few characters an inner-monologue or off-screen-texts when there should be silence. (Cori? Did you hear what I said? Cori?)

I realise that if you get ten translators to translate the same passage, you end up with ten different texts (although having Kenshin say 'I love you' to Kaoru seems a bit of a stretch to me). Even so, I've noticed that the manga, the Japanese DVD with Dutch subtitles and the English dub on youtube seem to have a translation that mostly corresponds with each other, so I'm tempted to consider the interpretation they've offered me as correct.

I don't understand why would they go to the trouble to write an alternate translation, change the names of a few characters and enlist the same voice-actors (save for a few) to do the same job twice? Perhaps the translators eventually realised their mistakes, wanted a second chance and tried to stick to the original script? But if this were so, then I don't understand why they had the inferior version shipped to other countries.

Has anyone seen the series in this version or could possibly explain to me why it exists?

Padfoot the Marauder

('Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows' rant (plus spoilers) below the LJ-cut. )

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Padfoot the Marauder

I loved the season's final! It was gripping, exciting, heart-warming ... As good as last season's' and this one didn't have the dramatic benefits of having a tearful exit of the shows' leading lady (I don't think anyone genuinely believes that Martha is really leaving). Too bad the Master died, though. John Simms was great in the role. It would have been nice to see him as a regular villain.

It makes me depressed knowing I have to wait so long for season 4.

However, just one more thing...


Padfoot the Marauder

Title: Kaoru's Naughty Little Fantasy

Fandom: Rurouni Kenshin

Summary: Kaoru discovers the pleasures of having a vivid imagination.

Pairing: Kenshin/Kaoru

Rating: NC-17

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Padfoot the Marauder

All the good television shows are drawing to a close for the summer. 'Grey's Anatomy' finished a few weeks ago, 'Heroes' has come to a close on monday and the second season of 'Prison Break' has ended yesterday. I can live without 'Grey's anatomy', but I'm seriously going to miss 'Heroes' and 'Prison Break'. Masi Oka (Hiro Nakamura) and Wentworth Miller (Michael Scofield) are the two most recent additions to my 'If I Could Assemble My Own Private Harem, Who Would I Choose To Be In It'-List, so all I can say is: stupid summer hiatus! The sad thing is we probably won't see the continuation of these shows for at least a year, same thing as what happened with 'Lost'. Bwech. Americans are spoiled.

No, I don't seriously have a 'If I Could Assemble My Own Private Harem, Who Would I Choose To Be In It'-List, but now that I think ofn it, it sounds intriguing enough, so perhaps I should make one. :-)

On another topic, I just finished watching the latest episode of 'Doctor Who', entitled 'Blink', and all I can say is holy cow, that was scary! They were the scariest moving-statue-ish creatures I've ever seen on television. The fact that they were moving, but you couldn't see them moving was what mad them so creepy. Great episode.

Padfoot the Marauder

Why this day sucked …

I am severely annoyed! Yesterday evening I got an email telling me my vacation to Turkey/Syria/Jordan/Egypt has been cancelled due to a shortage of participants. So now I have to go look for a replacement holiday destination. Now, the thing is, I also really wanted to go to Japan, even more so that the vacation I originally planned, but I didn't think of going because it was more expensive than I'd like to pay for a vacation. But now Japan is completely booked except for a two-week trip, which I'm not going to do, cause I'm not going to Japan for that short of time. Then I'd rather go next year.

I'm now going to have to do some heavy decision-making on where I want to go and how much I'm willing to pay for it. And quite soon, before more vacations will be completely booked. I'm thinking about Peru or Mexico, or maybe just the trip that goes to Syria and Jordan. Gnah, I don't know.

And please nobody call me a spoiled brat because, woe is me, I have to decide on a new vacation while lost of people don't even have the luxury of going at all.

Why this has been a good day …

All the stuff I ordered form Amazon has arrived, much earlier than expected (whoop!). I ordered 'Gohatto (Taboo)', 'Mibu gishi Den (When the Last Sword is Drawn)' and the 'Peacemaker Kurogane' DVD-box.

And no, it's not a coincidence that all these films are centred around the Shinsengumi. I seem to have developed an active interest in the Bakumatsu period of Japan, more specifically with the Shinsengumi and their more prominent members. I can't help it; they're all just so damn interesting.

I was a bit peeved to find out my "Peacemaker Kurogane" DVD- box appeared to be only for region 1 DVD's (it didn't say that on the site), but I managed to reconfigure my laptop so I can watch it there. Besides, the series doesn't appear to be available anywhere else and I doubt it even exists on a region 2 DVD. So perhaps it's a good thing it didn't say 'region 1 only' on the site, because then I'd never have ordered it in the first place.

I've now seen the series until episode 21 (I'd seen the first 10 on youtube, until they removed it) and I'm truly enjoying it. It's a lot like 'Rurouni Kenshin', but from the point of view of the 'enemies'. I think the reason why this series isn't as widely known is because it's difficult to pinpoint who their target audience is. At times it's very cutesy (like it's a show aimed for kids), but swiftly turns into a full blown horror fest with buckets of blood and gore (at times it's genuinely scary, like in episode 20 with Tetsu stuck with Yoshida in the burning shack! I don't know what happens next, so no one dare tell me!).

Hijikata Toshizõ is just how I'd imagined him: a handsome total knock-out in an anti-hero sort of way, but also cold and deadly. The kind of guy that makes you go weak in the knees, but are afraid to look at out of fear of provoking him.

Okita Sõji is great, all though I must admit that in the first episode, before he told his name, I genuinely thought he was a girl. I'd be embarrassed about this mistake, but he really does look and sound like a girl. However, when he's wearing his Shinsengumi-haori and his hair pulled back, he looks great. I can't wait to see how they'll handle his 'fit' during the Ikeda-ya affair. There seems to be a small build up, because I've noticed him coughing a few times. Sõji's real-life demise is simply tragic, especially because he was such a kenjutsu prodigy. I'm eager to see how they'll animate it.

Padfoot the Marauder

Apparently some friends of mine are planning a grand-scale assault on the internet search-engines, with the intent on finding this very website. Part of me feels honored, yet another part hopes they're currently busy with excessive alcohol consumption, henceforth having destroyed the braincells that should remember their evil plan by morning. Still, to be safe, I'm now sitting in front of my computer at 03.30 in the morning (!),'cleaning house' because I'm expecting company.

So, if any of you manages to stumble on this site and is still determined to read something of mine, below are the stories that don't completely suck. The top five are short stories (basic fluff with a minimal amount of plot, but perhaps the best thing to read if you're only interested in a sample of my writings). The others are longer with more plot, but if you're not planning to read the whole thing, I'd suggest you stick with a one-shot. And at the bottom there's one of my 'attempts' at making a comic. Yes, I was bored that week.

And in case you haven't noticed yet, I write Harry Potter fanfiction. If you wonder why:
A. It's fun.
B. It's so much easier not having to create your own characters and surrounding universe and being able to break the laws of physics and general reason every now and then.
C. It's fun.
D. Did I mention that I think it's fun?

And could you please be so kind as to leave a review, or at least a message, after you've read something? It would be greatly appreciated.

Got to go to sleep now. Will alter possible spelling-errors by morning. *yawns*

Fics that don't suck (too much)

A Wish Fulfilled
Summary: Hermione Granger is a smart girl, a smart girl who doesn't believe in wishes. Wishes haven't been scientifically or magically proven and personal experience tells her they don't work. Yes, Hermione is a smart girl, but she doesn't know everything ...
pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: NC-17 (PWP)

A Late Night Delivery
Pairing: Hermione/Fanon Blaise
Rating: NC-17
Chapters: 1
Summary: Hermione wanted to know what it was like to be in love. She wanted to experience sex, tenderness and intimacy; even if it was only for a little while... and even if she had to pay someone to feign it. (Blaise/Hermione)

Educating Draco
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Chapters: 2
Summary: After accidentally hearing Hermione getting herself off in the shower, Draco realises that he isn't the only one pretending to be something he isn't.

Sisterly Love
Pairing: Narcissa/Bellatrix
Rating: R
Chapters: 1
Summary: She was her sister; the same blood ran through their veins. Bellatrix was her love, her life, her very being; she could never be replaced, not by any man.

Melting The Ice
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Chapters: 1
Summary: Draco and Hermione find themselves stuck on the Antarctic after an accident in Apparating. They need a way to get through the night without freezing to death... which calls for desperate measures.

Why Draco Should Not Be Using Tampons
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Chapters: 14
Summary: Draco and Hermione, like all newly appointed Head Boys and –Girls before them, are assigned to switch bodies for the first week of term to ensure a prosperous collaboration between them in the future. Will this week turn out to be as horrible as it sounds? Probably, but you'll have to read to find out.

Trials of Affliction and Light Sleeping
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Chapters: 16
Summary: Draco discovers that he is part Veela. The odd thing is that Veelas are only supposed to be female. This little fact wouldn't be bound to bring along some peculiar side effects during mating season, now would it?

The Homerun Blues
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Chapters: 11
Summary: When Draco slips Hermione a potion for a laugh, a potion with a crucial footnote he neglected to read while making it, he must suffer the consequences of his actions...

Patented Daydream Charms
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Chapters: 9
Summary: It had been one of the most wonderful, exciting experiences of her life, yet Hermione was upset. She didn't understand... How could... It didn't make any... It's just... Why did the fantasy-lover in her Patented Daydream Charm look like Draco Malfoy?!

Draco/Hermione comic: Comic

Edit: I tried fixing the problems with the links. Thy worked for me either way, so if they're still not working, let me know, 'kay?

Padfoot the Marauder

I would like to take this opportunity to state that my job is a disgrace to all professions, educational programs and hardworking people struggling to collect a decent wage. And the terrible thing is: I don't care. I'm the luckiest son of a bitch in the world and I refuse to feel guilty about it.

I'm currently pulling a double shift, because I switched shifts with a co-worker because it suited us better this way. So, yesterday (saturday) I arrived at work at 18.30 o' clock and would be staying there until sunday 21:00. What did I do all night? I watched television, surfed the internet, watched some more television, ate some crisps and watched the first few episodes of the second season DVD of 'Stargate: Atlantis' (which one of the guys had found under the seat at the bus stop!) until 02:00 a.m.

Today, I got up at ten a.m, had a shower, breakfast, and by noon the entire house was vacant except for me. I watched 'Peace Maker Kurogane' on Youtube until 15:00, after which I did some laundry and cleaning because I was going cross-eyed. In about 2 hours one of the guys should start dinner and if the notice board is correct, we'll be having french fries (my favorite!).

This is why I went to college: so I could lay about, stuff my face, hang about with kids my own age and watch television. I can't believe I get payed for this.


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